Do you feel stressed?
Your well of wisdom
This is where science meet ancient wisdom, combined with life experiences.
We are building from facts to information, on to knowledge and finally wisdom.
A wisdom to create a holistic and substainable health and wellness.
”It all starts with me!”

Individual guidance
Coaching for individuals – regarding stress and life management to reach increased wisdom and health.- Using a circular model for balancing:
- physical areas
- spiritual areas
- mental areas
- emotional areas
- Measuring your development with different practical tools.
Sessions via internet or live in Sweden.
Swedish or English language.
For more information and to book your session, e-mail:

Public speaking / Seminars
Public speaking – about managing stress and provide life hacks for increased wisdom and health. Larger groups to raise awareness and curiosity.
Seminars – about managing stress and provide life hacks for increased wisdom and health. Smaller groups to reach deeper and more results on the topic.
Public speaking and seminars live at your place of location (worldwide).
Swedish or English language.
For businesses/ companies/ organizations etc.
For more information and to book your seminar, e-mail:

Health Traveling
A journey to health – a one week education within managing stress and different life hacks for increased wisdom and health.
Education combined with a change of invironment to rewind and socialise with likeminded people. Perhaps make friends for life?
Possible to book your spot as an individual, a couple or groups (individuals or companies).
Swedish or English language.
For more information and to book your journey, e-mail:

Just in Time Consult
Pernilla Ahlberg has many years of experience within different areas that created substainable wisdom:
- Registered Nurse (since 1990), Emergency Room in Sweden and Saudi Arabia. Managing stress by real life experience (my own and others within the multilingual team) when life is at stake. Seen life starting and ending in different ways.
- Stress and life coach since 2003, deeper psychology regarding stressmanagement and different teqniques.
- Business owner since 2003/Coordinator as a consultant building Occupational healtcare (2013-2016).
- Public speaker within stressmanagement/wellness/create wisdom from facts/ substainable health/ ”something different -like working in Saudi Arabia” (
- Occupational healthcare – individual coaching, seminars for groups, teambuilding, management/organization/ leadership for increased health invironment at worksites since 2006.
- Education in shamanic teachings in Chile (knowledge of ancient wisdom for spiritual part of the holistic life picture).
Contact us
For more information and booking, please contact us on e-mail below.
We are located in the southern part of Sweden for live sessions. Also internet sessions available.
We travel to your location for public speaking and seminars.